Cleaning Services Highbury

Cleaning Services HighburyIf you want to find a competent cleaning service to help you with your home’s cleaning chores, you have come to the right place. Our company is a reputable cleaning services provider, and we are located and operate here in Highbury N5.

You can hire our cleaners to clean your home, and we promise you will not regret your choice. We have the most skilled and very experienced cleaners working for us. They can tackle any kind of cleaning task and deal with it. You can count on us. Trust us with your home’s cleaning. Call us now.

Cleaning Service Price
Regular Domestic Cleaning £60
One Off Domestic Cleaning £60
After Builders Cleaning from £179
Carpet Cleaning - Bedroom from £23
Sofa Cleaning - Armchair from £18
End Of Tenancy Cleaning - Studio from £129
Gardening Services (Two Gardeners) £90
Jet Washing £2.5 sq.m.
Patio Cleaning £2.5 sq.m.

Convenient Cleaning Service Highbury

Our cleaners know how to properly take care of every cleaning problem in your home, you can count on that. Here is some additional information about our cleaning services:

  • Our cleaners work convenient hours, Monday to Sunday, and bank holidays too, with no extra fees
  • We operate in the entire Highbury
  • We are offering you regular cleaning sessions – daily, every other day, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc, as well as one-off cleaning sessions
  • Our cleaners are experienced, vetted and reliable
  • Our prices are considerate and will not break your budget
  • We guarantee 100% efficiency

What is more, our cleaning services are very convenient in terms of services. Which means that if you have any special requests regarding your cleaning needs, like something you want special attention paid to, or something you do not want cleaned for some reason, you can feel free to tell our cleaners, and they will happily fulfil your request.

“ I loved using this company. Their cleaners were amazing, I was visited by some of them two weeks ago to clean my home, and they gave me fantastic results. Plus their prices were not expensive at all. And my house is pretty big, but they still did a thorough cleaning. Thanks, you are great. ” – Linda

Professional Cleaners Highbury

Professional Cleaning TeamOur cleaners can do every cleaning chore in your home – from washing windows and vacuuming, to doing laundry and changing your bed sheets. You can rely on our team of cleaners for an impeccably clean home. They will clean it top to bottom, paying attention to tiniest details.

We invite you to trust the best cleaners in Highbury, and get them to clean your home. We promise you will be more than pleased with their work. What they will give you is a clean and hygienic home. Call us now.

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